Your Basic Guide on How to Work From Home in a Garden Office

As more individuals adapt to a working from home setup, the demand for a dedicated workspace continues to grow.
Your Basic Guide on How to Work From Home in a Garden Office

In the UK, we spend 60 minutes a day on average commuting to and from work. Stuck in traffic, squeezing into overcrowded transport or battling the beloved British weather. With a Vivid Pod at the foot of your garden you can spend that valuable time doing the things you love the most. We won’t judge if that means an extra hour in bed!

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Working from home in a garden office has many advantages, including lower start-up expenses, a tranquil setting away from busy family members, and zero commuting time!

Read on to discover this basic guide on how to WFH in a garden office.

From a Home Garden to a Garden Office

Before ordering a garden shed, the ground must be levelled. A sturdy concrete slab is an ideal foundation for a log cabin or insulated garden room.

Garden shelters come in a range of sizes to fit your needs. Before building a garden structure that takes up more than half of your yard, consult with your local planning office.

The Requirements for Building a Garden Structure

Garden buildings do not need planning permission if the following criteria are met:

  • A garden building should be a single-story structure. A garden shed, summerhouse, log cabin, or insulated garden room with a dual-pitched apex roof must have an eaves height of no more than 2.5 metres and a height of no more than 4 metres. Buildings with flat or pent roofs should not be taller than 3 metres.
  • Structures must not be taller than 2.5m within 2m of fences or limitations.
  • Elevated platforms, decks, and balconies on exterior structures cannot be higher than 300 mm.
  • Make sure that your garden does not take up more than half of your property.

‍Check with your local planning authorities whether you live in a historic building, AONB, national park, or World Heritage site. Consult with your local planning office before making a purchase.

Determine the Outdoor Office For You

Garden cottages vary in style, cost, and garden size. A timber shed or summerhouse is the least expensive option, but for year-round use, enormous insulation and upgraded doors and windows are required.

If your budget allows, an Insulated Garden Room is the best option for your new outdoor office. This is a simple and quick way to have a stylish, year-round office with double-skinned insulated walls, double glass, and free delivery and installation. Customise the layout and pay with no-interest financing.

Most log cabins come with simple instructions, but you may save time, effort, and energy by having a professional construct your garden house on the day of your choice.

A Garden Office: The Must Haves

  • Proper Insulation

You can work in your garden room in the winter provided it is well-insulated and heated. On dark days, you may want appropriate lighting depending on your employment.

You may also heat your insulated garden room like a house in the winter. Solar panels may reduce heating bills.

  • Electricity Wiring

A garden office requires mains power to run computers, Wi-Fi routers, and radios all day. To ensure that all connections are safe and in accordance with Building Codes, you must utilise a licensed electrician. Local electricians can provide cost and work estimates.

Before contacting an electrician, consider the equipment you’ll need, such as electrical outlets, lighting, and electric warmers. Connect a kettle and an outdoor light for the winter.

  • Internet Connection

The vast majority of high-speed internet connections are wireless, and your internet service provider may be able to provide you with signal boosters to improve your wireless signal in your backyard. Mobile phone signal boosters allow you to make critical calls with confidence.

While connecting your garden office to the power grid, your electrician can attach an ethernet wire. For most people, this is the greatest way to get dependable, fast Internet in their garden office.


Indeed, setting up an outdoor garden shed as your reliable home office is a great way to build a healthy routine, work in a better scenery and environment, and secure privacy. Now that you know the basics of building your at-home garden office, it might be time to make this investment.

Do you want a bespoke garden office? Vivid Pods is here to show you exactly how to commit to a work-life balance. Contact us today to learn more!

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